Energy Healing

Energy healing seems mysterious. The word energy can be used to describe so many things and for good reason, "Everything is Energy, Energy is Everything". We are energy, our thoughts are energy, our words, actions attitudes and most importantly our core beliefs are energy. Every experience we experience leaves an energetic footprint in our chakras. Past physical and emotional  traumas are among the most difficult types of energy to overcome. It is our most profound and most lived events that create our belief systems, some that serve and support us and some that do not. For instance, perhaps as a child you were often overlooked because of your size and never picked on the playground for sporting activities. The emotional effect of this caused you to believe "I'm not good enough".  This belief became a part of your subconscious and overtime this negative belief, negative thought, negative form of energy attracted more events to corroborate this core belief. Additionally, we are re- traumatized daily just by living in a world that can be scary at times,overwhelming, and stressful making it difficult to overcome negative ways of thinking.
What I love most about working with my clients is that they come in for one thing and quickly discover that the source of what they are trying to overcome stems from something greater than they had first imagined. Reiki has a way of peeling back layers to reveal hidden and suppressed memories and traumas that  of cause the blocks and the  flow of  positive energy. Immediately after a reiki session one may feel really light as if a weight has been lifted from their shoulders, have the ability to enjoy a deeper more restful sleep, and begin to experience wave of emotions as everything is being brought to the surface.
Reiki activates your body's natural relaxation response to promote overall healing. Between sessions there are a few things you can do  to reactivate this state of being as life may have caused you to shift into fight or flight after dealing with day to day living. These 3 techniques are easy to do, will only take about 5 minutes of your day.


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